Global Media Outreach


Searching for Peace

“I’m not proud of my past. I’m not proud of my weary faith. But I’m willing to start afresh and serve God. I would like Him to take all of me and give Him more of me. I would like to find a peace that surpasses all understanding.”

A simple message can tell you a lot about a person and where they are in life. The message above is filled with conflicting feelings. Regret and hope. Shame and worship. Faithlessness and commitment. But beyond all these feelings, God is clearly working in this person’s life.

This was the first message Laura, a South African woman, sent to Ian, her Global Media Outreach Online Missionary. A conflict at work that led to unemployment and an unfulfilled desire for marriage had Laura’s fledgling faith on shaky ground. As she noticed herself slipping into a depression, she knew it was time to take her faith seriously for the first time.

Although her pain is real and unique, Laura’s problems are common in South Africa, which boasts an unemployment rate higher than 25 percent and has seen less and less people becoming married with every passing year. In her situation, it’s easy to see how she has become so weary.

Ian responded to Laura’s cry for help with words of encouragement out of Romans 7 and shared with Laura that even in our struggles, we can rest in God’s joy.

After hearing these encouraging words, Laura’s attitude immediately underwent a radical change, evidencing the Holy Spirit’s work in her life.

“Thank you so much. I have sought God genuinely for the first time in my life and I feel like I am really getting there. The first two weeks were tough as I sunk into deep depression… With that, I want to say, I can actually feel God’s presence when I go down on my knees and pray!”

Over many months of work and relational trials, the strength of Laura’s growing faith was tested. But thanks to timely messages from Ian like the one above, Laura was able to see God’s hand in all the events of her life and was able to escape the depressive thoughts that had crippled her so easily before she knew the Lord.

“Great to hear from you. I have so many angels on earth since I chose to follow Jesus and I swear you are one of them. Whenever there is a drastic change in my life you somehow manage to connect and contact me. Had I known the goodness of Christ earlier I would have chosen this path earlier in my life.”

Laura – and many like her – are following Jesus because of the support of people like you who care about the lost. As you see the true appreciation in her words, you’ll know how much of an impact Ian, her Online Missionary, has made on her life.

“I trust that God Blesses and keeps blessing you so you continue to be a blessing to others. I remember how I just “accidentally” found on Google because I felt I had no one to talk to and but God made you available to me. I am so grateful!!!”

To help people like Laura find true peace in Jesus Christ, make your best gift today.

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Year Founded: 2004 Cause: Sharing the hope of Jesus worldwide through the power of technology In the fast-paced technological innovation landscape, Global

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