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Two Ways to Serve
as an Online Missionary

Every day, millions use digital and social channels to find answers, comfort, and distraction. When they find spiritual content, a gospel presentation or discipleship content we share, they’re given the opportunity to connect with an Online Missionary.

Online Missionaries are real people ready to help them learn about Jesus, answer their spiritual questions, and grow in their faith.


Serve as a Guide

A Guide is the one-time initial point of contact for those seeking to know Jesus better (known as a Contact).

Guides will welcome a Contact, help with their immediate need, pray for them, and invite them to continue on their spiritual journey.


Serve as a Discipler

A Discipler maintains an ongoing relationship with those who choose to pursue or continue a journey of faith.

Disciplers stay connected to their Contacts, engaging in continuing spiritual conversations and helping them grow in their faith.

Requirements to Become an Online Missionary

An Online Missionary lives out God’s Mission every day. We seek people who are eager to share the beauty and the hope found in Jesus Christ with people all over the world.

Online Missionaries must:

How to Become an Online Missionary

If this is you…

…we invite you to partner with Global Media Outreach in taking the Gospel to the ends of the Earth!

Now accepting applications.

Frequently Asked Questions

What is an Online Missionary?

An Online Missionary is a volunteer who responds to the people who have viewed a Global Media Outreach Gospel ad and submitted contact information with a question or concern.

What is the time commitment for an Online Missionary?

Most volunteers dedicate 1–3 hours each week to their ministry. Since the scope of this work is flexible in its nature, volunteers can choose their daily involvement at their own convenience.

Is theological training required?

Although many of our Online Missionaries do have a theological background, no formal education is required. Our volunteers come from all walks of life. All you need is an active, dedicated, and stable relationship with Jesus Christ as your personal Savior. You must have the ability to clearly communicate your faith with others in writing and have a working knowledge of the Bible.

Is training provided to become an Online Missionary?

When volunteers are accepted as Online Missionaries, they must go through our Onboarding Training Program, which covers the background of the ministry, policies and procedures, and instructions on how to use our secure communications system (PATH). Each volunteer will receive supervised instruction on how to reply to Contacts (people who respond to ads) from an experienced leader.

How is communication done with Contacts?

Global Media Outreach has a secure software system (called PATH) that allows Online Missionaries to communicate through Facebook, WhatsApp, email, and other online platforms. Volunteers communicate exclusively through the PATH system with those who have submitted contact information. Personal social media accounts are not necessary.

How is my personal information used?

Communication with contacts is never done through your personal email account. Your email account is used only to access our secure system (PATH) and receive notifications from Global Media Outreach.

Will my identity be protected while I’m working online?

Your security is extremely important to Global Media Outreach. All outside communication is done strictly through our secure system (PATH) so we can ensure that your information is not shared with anyone else.

What if someone asks me a question that I don't know how to answer?

All Online Missionaries have an experienced leader who is available to help with responses, questions, or best practices. Global Media Outreach offers hundreds of resources and websites to help you with research, and we have Online Missionaries who specialize in handling difficult questions and circumstances.

How can I become an Online Missionary?

Complete the application form.

How does Global Media Outreach connect with people around the world?

Ads are placed on social media and websites worldwide, including countries that are hostile to the Gospel. When someone clicks on an ad, they see a Gospel presentation and are then given the opportunity to have someone contact them. An Online Missionary receives this information and begins a conversation to help them learn about Jesus, how forgiveness and salvation are found in Him, and answer any other question they might have pertaining to the ad they saw.

We look forward to having you join the GMO mission!